Channel: One Topic At A Time
Category: Comedy
Tags: one topiclgbtq+memebadwholesomearethecisokonetopicreactgirlssubredditinfuriatingredditlgbt+otaatreddit true storieslaughblursedlgbtqworkr/arethecisokr/badwomen'sr/nothowgirlsworklbgtqiaarethestraightsokwomenlgbt100% truerslashgenderanatomylaughshownotr/menwritingwomenstraight peopler slashr/badwomensanatomywomenspointlesslymenwritingwomenmemesr/arethestraightsokstraightbadwomensanatomystraightsgenderedlgbtqia+satirer/r/notlikeothergirls
Description: What's up my Beardos and Weirdos! Today we're diving back into r/BadWomensAnatomy, with some crossposts from other subreddits, and i'm pretty sure i even saw some r/NotLikeOtherGirls! We like to go through this subreddit to lightly tease those who do not understand the absolute basics of women, and often, just HUMAN anatomy! hopefully, by lightly teasing folks, we'll help them to learn more! hehehe A flurry of adverts, silly posts, and odd thoughts. Let's have some fun. Do one thing for yourself today that makes you happy. Much love. 💜 --- Second Channel▼ ► Live▼ ► Stream: Social▼ ►TikTok: ►Twitter: ► Subreddit: ► Support the channel: :::Merch::: 😎Sunglasses ► 20% off with code OneTopic Thumbnail by: @Human1 ---